Film for the Mind

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Where we're going, we don't need roads.

In 1985 Robert Zemeckis along side Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd created one of the biggest cult classics Hollywood and Fan-boys have ever seen.

Back to The Future premiered July 3rd and grossed very little considering the budget it was given (You wouldn't think a Delorean would cost so much.) But over the years it's become a staple in the Fan-boys collection.

But in the beginning Back to the Future was shaping up to be a very different film.

Orginally in the role of Marty McFly, our time travelling hero, was Eric Stoltz,

Zemeckis had tight deadline with the film and was forced to ignore his obvious first choice Michael J. Fox who had a scheduling conflicts with his T.V show Family Ties. After five weeks of shooting,  Bob Gale the producer was approached by Zemeckis with the fact that the material was good, but not great.
They immediately shut down production, and waited for Fox to sort out scheduling. And thus Back to the Future was born.

Personally I believe this film is pure gold. All aspects of it are great, from the writing, actors,  comedic timing, and the film structure.

Like John Cussack in High Fidelity I believe in lists. So I've created the top ten things, actors, moments, etc. from Back to the Future.

Stay tuned for more.